Many DWIs involve risky behavior and accidents. Alcohol may not be the only reason for such 'out of character' or abnormal behavior. A new field of research is developing (as of the last 11+ years) into parasites that affect the brain. It has become increasingly clear that what was once deemed a harmless parasite, toxoplasma gondii (found in cat feces), is in fact dangerous to the brain. Jaroslav Flegr published his research in the May 2007 Schizophrenia Bulletin ( ) some of his findings regarding this cat parasite that attaches to human hosts. First off, 80% of the population may be infected. In Prague, Czechoslovakia it was determined that Toxoplasma - infected subjects were 2.65x higher to be involved in a traffic accident either as a pedestrian or driver. The effects on neuropathological and neuroimmunological pathways are a cause and effect from how the body protects itself from this pathogen, and how the parasite ...
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