One of my favorite lines is "I don't trust anyone who has not had a DWI." Truthfully, my clients are among my favorite people. They are social, resourceful and gregarious. Most drinking in a DWI scenario involves socializing with other people. The Barbara Streisand line, "People who need people, are the luckiest people in the world" is so true. It is important for prosecutors, judges, and jurors to understand the life changing consequences of a DWI conviction. Here are 3 consequences that some people may not be familiar with: Our Family (Willy, our German exchange son, is in a Texas shirt) 1. You can't host a foreign exchange student for 5 years from the conviction. 2. If you have a green card ("Permanent Resident") and receive a DWI conviction, finalizing the process and becoming a citizen is difficult. I am not an immigration lawyer (if you are in this situation, you should also consult with an immigration attorney),...
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