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Showing posts from October, 2011

Mimi Coffey's 10/18 Republican Debate Analysis

Yes, I'm pretty liberal on social issues, often vote Democratic but believe in small government (less is more) and being fiscally conservative. Most people don't liven up to the Presidential politics till the year before but now is the time where wild cards succeed and there is unexpected entertainment. The Tuesday debate proved that early on candidates often shoot wild & loose in desperate attempts to fight to be forerunner. In the spirit of George Washington I am a believer in one party: the country. I care not for party acrimony, mud slinging and yellow journalism that seems to pervade our 2 party system. Although I may not agree or sometimes even like certain politicians I respect them all and am deeply grateful for their sacrifices and drive to make our country better. With that being said, my candid insight on the debate and the Republican candidates. 10/18 Mimi Coffey Republican Debate Analysis: 1. Bachman: right about not wise to create another tax (Herman Cain...