Courtroom Science Used to Convict a Joke The following is an article printed today in the Boston Globe on the poor state of science used to convict in courtrooms. I have been harping on this for years (my undergraduate degree has more hours in hard core sciences due to my Geology minor- which I have more hours than my major). Intoxliyzer 5000 breath testing: unacceptable. The margin of error is at minimum 50%. Blood testing with "grey top" test tubes (the ones used for forensic purposes and courtrooms): unacceptable (they do not contain an antifungicide which prevents alcohol fermentation. I am glad that at least one federal judge out there is doing something about this travesty being perpetuated on our own citizens. One day, I have 150% confidence breath testing will be obsolete and blood testing will have different chemical compounds in the test tubes to prevent fermentation, until then..... read on friends: US judge urges skepticism on forensic evidence Gertner says she...
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