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Showing posts from 2010

New Year's Eve Advice

New Year's Eve, Know Your Rights !by Mimi Coffey New Year's Eve is around the corner. Important news ! If you have been drinking and get pulled over remember your rights: 1. Pull over immediately. Provide dl and insurance. 2. Don't talk, don't answer questions. Politely tell the officer you will not be answering any questions. 3. If asked to step out of the car, step out. 4. Unless you are an athlete with perfect balance inform the officer you will not be performing tests (they are circus acts designed to take you to jail). 5. Refuse blood tests (as they ferment) and if you have had more than 1 beer refuse a breath test (as they are inaccurate). 6. Know that you are being videotaped at all times. Say nothing under any circumstance. 7. Unless receipts will help you, throw them away before getting in the car. 8. Keep a lock on your cell phone as cops will try to read your text messages. Save your texts and call logs particularly if this contributed to bad driving. (...

America, The Land of the Free ?

America, The Land of the Free ? As the 4th of July rolls around. Now is as good a time as any to reflect on our freedoms and what this country was based on. Europeans think Americans are stupid. They literally have tv documentaries that showcase America’s bizarre outer edge eccentricities. DWI field tests (walking a 18 heel to toe tightrope exercise and holding one’s foot in the air for 30 seconds without being able to use your arms for balance) is a concrete example of American lack of intelligence. No other country in the world uses these foolish tests to determine if someone is intoxicated except Great Britain and already their scientific peer review community has rejected the lack of scientific validity to these “tests”. The fact that one American jury after another across the country convicts someone on the basis of these “tests” is proof Americans are not thinking smart. Yesterday I tried a case in which my client was asleep in a private marina in his car and by the time the poli...

Courtroom Science Used to Convict a Joke

Courtroom Science Used to Convict a Joke The following is an article printed today in the Boston Globe on the poor state of science used to convict in courtrooms. I have been harping on this for years (my undergraduate degree has more hours in hard core sciences due to my Geology minor- which I have more hours than my major). Intoxliyzer 5000 breath testing: unacceptable. The margin of error is at minimum 50%. Blood testing with "grey top" test tubes (the ones used for forensic purposes and courtrooms): unacceptable (they do not contain an antifungicide which prevents alcohol fermentation. I am glad that at least one federal judge out there is doing something about this travesty being perpetuated on our own citizens. One day, I have 150% confidence breath testing will be obsolete and blood testing will have different chemical compounds in the test tubes to prevent fermentation, until then..... read on friends: US judge urges skepticism on forensic evidence Gertner says she...